The Baseline


Before the beginning, God established Himself into three. To preserve the sanctity of His righteousness and to ensure His light reaches all of creation.

Proverbs 8:

22 “The Lord possessed[b] me at the beginning of his work,[c]

the first of his acts of old.

23 Ages ago I was set up,

at the first, before the beginning of the earth.

Before the beginning, God considered the foundation of His future creation. God (the Trinity) was alone in thought and understood that in order to create all there must be a foundation of truth which withstood the test of time. There must be a universal law which cannot be broken and God must exhibit this law, else all of His creation would crumble and cease. For in every worthwhile creation there must be a logical and infallible foundation which must exist, else the creation is crushed under its own existence.

God considered many things during this time and settled on becoming the Baseline Morality. God would exhibit all things virtuously-true and be a light to all. God would abstain in all ways from the vices which would arise from the depths of His creation and would be the universal truth His creation craves. God would become morality itself and would be the standard of good which would exist within His creation. In this way, before the beginning, God became the Baseline Morality and all his creation is founded upon it.

So let us rejoice in God's holiness.

Many of those who believe they are following God are doing so in name only. They commit the sin of using the Lord's name in vain while committing moral injustices to their fellow man. They sin against God by taking the name of "Christian" (follower in Christ) and not following Yeshua and His teachings. They commit the sin of immorality and adhere to the vices of the world. God is all things holy and the virtues of existence began with Him and His commitment to become the Baseline Morality.

God's sacrifice, the abstinence of sin (the vices of the world), is the reason why the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve are separated from His holiness. If God were to expose His holiness to sin, all of creation would cease to exist.

God does not desire to be apart from us - His creation. He desires to be with us. True followers of Yeshua must seek out God in all forms and be as close to the Baseline Morality as possible.

Authoritative View of God and the Baseline Morality

The authoritative view of our Creator suggests that He lays out direction and if not followed then there is punishment. This is only one small part of our Creator. It is akin to the way a parent instructs a child in order to prevent harm, as not to get to close to a fire lest you are burned.

Too many who seek our Creator focus solely on the authoritative view of God, when this is only a part of the whole.

Our Creator is not illusive, the desire to be with sons of Adam and daughters of Eve is overwhelming. Creation happened and continues because of God's decision to become the Baseline Morality. He seeks us.

The evidence of God's embodiment of the virtues is His absolute abstinence from sin despite his endless love for humankind. God sacrifices all so that we may live. God sent Yeshua to mankind during a time of great need in order to teach us about love. Yeshua demonstrated humility to its fullest possible extent. As a human embodiment of the Trinity he had access to the fullest and most-powerful parts of God, yet He chose to sacrifice His life for mankind.

God sent a beautiful and coveted part of Himself to us. To die for us. This is true love and not a punishment-driven being.

Seek not the authoritative part of God.

Seek the Baseline Morality. It is fulfilling.

Fight the world's desires and become virtuous.